Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Schedule once in Taiwan

7/7: Depart for Taiwan
Nashville to Houston 8:15 am - 10:12 am (663 mi., 1 hr 57 mn)
Houston to Tokyo 10:50 am - 2:20 pm +1 day (6,658 mi., 13 hr 30 mn)
7/8: Tokyo to Taipei 6:05 pm - 8:45 pm (1,330 mi., 3 hr 40 mn)
Arrive in Taipei, Taiwan
7/9: Tour of Chung-Yuan Christian University and orientation
Rest and adjust for jet lag
7/10: Reading and group building
Short touring trip of city
Continue to rest
7/11: Rest and explore city
7/12: Opening Ceremony and Lunch Banquet
Class - Building competitive adantage in
the globalized knowledge economy
7/13: Visit - Taipei Rapid Transit Company
Taipei City Traffic Control Center
Visit - Tamshui Old Street Fisherman's Wharf
7/14: Class - Web-enabled tools for collaborative learning
Visit - Hsinchu Science Park (Taiwan's Silicon Valley)
7/15: Class - Innovative business models and case study
Field Trip - TBD
7/16: Class - Economic and Industrial Development in Taiwan
Short Touring trip or rest
7/17: Visit - National Palace Museum, Taipei Confucius Temple,
Taipei 101
7/18: Rest
7/19: Class - Taiwan's external trade relations
Field Trip - TBD
7/20: Lecture - Issues related to business ethics
7/21: Lecture - Topic TBD
Field Trip - Formosa TV station
7/22: Visit - Kingcar Company, SanHo Paper and Carton Company
7/23: Class - Topic TBD
7/24: Short tour and Rest
7/25: Trip to La La Mountain National Park (overnight)
7/26: Return from La La Mountain
7/27: Class - Presentations
Closing Ceremony and Farwell Diner
7/28: Return to Tennessee
Taipei to Tokyo 8:55 am - 1:05 pm (1,330 mi., 3 hr 10 mn)
Tokyo to Newark 4:35 pm - 4:30 pm (6,737 mi., 12 hr 55 mn)
Newark to Nashville 6:00 pm - 7:33 pm (758 mi., 2 hr 33 mn)

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